“Enjoy our sport safely and courteously“
Select Drop Down for answer.
Check on this website front page for event cancellation or range closure. This is the most current and timely method. PCSC also utilizes both Facebook and MeWe pages / groups for information. Very rarely an additional newsletter may be sent via your registered email for very important information.
FMJ ammo is allowed.
Locks are changed on Jan 1st. Please avoid being locked out by renewing well before January 1st. Also, avoid considerable expense by renewing on time, and before Jan 31st renewal grace period.
Interactive renewal is sent to member's email address in October.
Monthly newsletter is sent to keep members informed of club matters and events. We send a newsblast for important information on occasion, keeping the mailings to a minimum with no advertising and only club information. Renewal information will be sent to current members via separate newsletter.
Link directly here: 2025 Centerfire Rifle Match
Owning up to rule violation or damage to property whether accidental or intentional can help avoid expulsion and lifetime banning from membership. The club has a history of finding perpetrators. Contact any board member or safety chairman if you're honest and want to stay a member.
Parker County Sportsman Club
PO Box 424
Weatherford, TX 76087
817 271 0467
6700 Advance Rd, Poolville, Texas 76487, United States
Membership allows key access sunup to sundown 365 days/year.
...rifle, pistol, shotgun competition...
...a key to the place...
...only $100 yr* ...
...you're kidding...
We utilize an online application and payment system. See the New Membership link here to an interactive payment page. See How to Join Document button below for details on how to join.
Our Trap & Skeet, Five Stand and
Sporting Clays is tremendous !
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